
View Source
from erddapClient.erddap_server import ERDDAP_Server
from erddapClient.erddap_dataset import ERDDAP_Dataset
from erddapClient.erddap_tabledap import ERDDAP_Tabledap
from erddapClient.erddap_griddap import ERDDAP_Griddap
from erddapClient.erddap_griddap_dimensions import ERDDAP_Griddap_dimensions, ERDDAP_Griddap_dimension

__all__ = ["ERDDAP_Server", "ERDDAP_Dataset", "ERDDAP_Tabledap", "ERDDAP_Griddap", "ERDDAP_Griddap_dimensions", "ERDDAP_Griddap_dimension"]

__version__ = "1.0.0"
#   class ERDDAP_Server:
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class ERDDAP_Server:
    Class with the representation and methods to access a ERDDAP server.

    ALLDATASETS_VARIABLES = [ 'datasetID','accessible','institution','dataStructure',
                              'rss','email','testOutOfDate','outOfDate','summary' ]

    def __init__(self, url, auth=None, lazyload=True):
        Constructs a ERDDAP Server object 

        `url`  : The ERDDAP Server URL 

        `auth` : Tupple with username and password, to access a protected ERDDAP Server

        self.serverURL = url 
        self.auth = auth
        self.tabledapAllDatasets = ERDDAP_Dataset(self.serverURL, 'allDatasets', auth=auth)
        """ An `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Tabledap` object with the reference to the "allDatasets" 
            Dataset, [About allDatasets]( """
        self.__status_values = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return erddap_server_repr(self)

    def version_numeric(self):
        if not hasattr(self,'__version_numeric'):
            self.__version_numeric = parseNumericVersion(self.version)
        return self.__version_numeric  

    def version(self):
        if not hasattr(self,'__version'):
                req = urlread( url_operations.url_join(self.serverURL, 'version'), self.auth)
                __version = req.text
                self.__version = __version.replace("\n", "")
                self.__version = 'ERDDAP_version=<1.22'
        return self.__version

    def version_string(self):
        if not hasattr(self,'__version_string'):
                 req = urlread( url_operations.url_join(self.serverURL, 'version_string'), self.auth)
                 __version_string = req.text
                 self.__version_string = __version_string.replace("\n", "")
                self.__version_string = 'ERDDAP_version_string=<1.80'
        return self.__version_string

    def search(self, **filters):
        Makes a search request to the ERDDAP Server

        Search filters kwargs:

        `searchFor` :

        * This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata:
          Type the words you want to search for, with spaces between 
          the words.  ERDDAP will search for the words separately, 
          not as a phrase. 
        * To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the 
          phrase (for example, "wind speed"). 
          To exclude datasets with a specific word, use 
          -excludedWord To exclude datasets with a specific 
          phrase, use -"excluded phrase". 
        * Don't use AND between search terms. It is implied. The 
          results will include only the datasets that have all of 
          the specified words and phrases (and none of the excluded 
          words and phrases) in the dataset's metadata (data about 
          the dataset). 
        * Searches are not case-sensitive. 
        * To search for specific attribute values, use 
          attName=attValue . 
        * To find just grid or just table datasets, include 
          protocol=griddap or protocol=tabledap in your search. 
        * This ERDDAP is using searchEngine=original. 
        * In this ERDDAP, you can search for any part of a word. 
        * For example, searching for spee will find datasets with 
          speed and datasets with WindSpeed. 
        * In this ERDDAP, the last word in a phrase may be a partial 
          word. For example, to find datasets from a specific website 
          (usually the start of the datasetID), include (for example) 
          "datasetID=erd" in your search.

        Optional filters:

        `itemsPerPage` : Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

        `page` : If the number of results is bigger than the "`itemsPerPage`" you can
                specify the page of results. (Default: 1)

        Returns a `erddapClient.ERDDAP_SearchResults` object

        searchURL = self.getSearchURL( **filters)
        rawSearchResults = urlread(searchURL, self.auth)
        dictSearchResult = rawSearchResults.json()
        formatedResults = ERDDAP_SearchResults(self.serverURL, dictSearchResult['table']['rows'])

        return formatedResults

    def getSearchURL(self, filetype='json', **searchFilters):
        Builds the url call for the basic Search ERDDAP API Rest service.


        `filetype` :  The result format (htmlTable, csv, json, tsv, etc) 

        Search filters kwargs:


        * This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata:
          Type the words you want to search for, with spaces between 
          the words.  ERDDAP will search for the words separately, 
          not as a phrase. 
        * To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the 
          phrase (for example, "wind speed"). 
          To exclude datasets with a specific word, use 
          -excludedWord To exclude datasets with a specific 
          phrase, use -"excluded phrase". 
        * Don't use AND between search terms. It is implied. The 
          results will include only the datasets that have all of 
          the specified words and phrases (and none of the excluded 
          words and phrases) in the dataset's metadata (data about 
          the dataset). 
        * Searches are not case-sensitive. 
        * To search for specific attribute values, use 
          attName=attValue . 
        * To find just grid or just table datasets, include 
          protocol=griddap or protocol=tabledap in your search. 
        * This ERDDAP is using searchEngine=original. 
        * In this ERDDAP, you can search for any part of a word. 
        * For example, searching for spee will find datasets with 
          speed and datasets with WindSpeed. 
        * In this ERDDAP, the last word in a phrase may be a partial 
          word. For example, to find datasets from a specific website 
          (usually the start of the datasetID), include (for example) 
          "datasetID=erd" in your search.

        Optional filters:

        `itemsPerPage` :  Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

        `page` : If the number of results is bigger than the "itemsPerPage" you can
                 specify the page of results. (Default: 1)           

        Returns a string with the url search request.
        searchAPIEndpoint = "search/index.{}".format(filetype)
        searchAPIURL = url_operations.url_join( self.serverURL, searchAPIEndpoint ) 

        queryElementsDefaults = { 'page'          : 1 ,
                                  'itemsPerPage'  : 1000,
                                  'searchFor'     : None}

        for queryElement, queryElementDefault in queryElementsDefaults.items():                      
            queryValue = searchFilters.get(queryElement, queryElementDefault)

            if queryElement == 'searchFor':
                if queryValue:
                    queryValue = quote_plus(queryValue)
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" + ("" if queryValue is None else queryValue) )
            if queryValue is None:
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" ) 
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" + str(queryValue) )
        return url_operations.joinURLElements(searchAPIURL, url_operations.parseQueryItems(queryURL, safe='=+-&'))

    def advancedSearch(self, **filters):
        Makes a advancedSearch request to the ERDDAP Server

        Search filters kwargs:

        `searchFor` : This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata, set the words you 
                      want to search for  with spaces between the words.  ERDDAP will search 
                      for the words separately, not as a phrase. 
                      To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the phrase (for 
                      example, "wind speed"). 
                      To exclude datasets with a specific word, use -excludedWord. 
                      To exclude datasets with a specific phrase, use -"excluded phrase" 
                      To search for specific attribute values, use attName=attValue
                      To find just grid or table datasets, include protocol=griddap 
                      or protocol=tabledap

        Optional filters:

        `protocolol`    : Set either: griddap, tabledap or wms (Default: (ANY))

        `cdm_data_type` : Set either: grid, timeseries, point, timeseriesProfile, trajectory
                          trajectoryProfile, etc.. (Default: (ANY))

        `institution`   : Set either to one of the available instituion values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `ioos_category` : Set either to one of the available ioos_category values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `keywords`      : Set either to one of the available keywords values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `long_name`     : Set either to one of the available long_name values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `standard_name` : Set either to one of the available standard_name values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `variableName`  : Set either to one of the available variable names values in the 
                          ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))
        `minLon`, `maxLon` : Some datasets have longitude values within -180 to 180, others 
                             use 0 to 360. If you specify Min and Max Longitude within -180 to 180
                             (or 0 to 360), ERDDAP will only find datasets that match the values 
                             you specify. Consider doing one search: longitude -180 to 360, or 
                             two searches: longitude -180 to 180, and 0 to 360.

        `minLat`, `maxLat` : Set latitude bounds, range -90 to 90 

        `minTime`, `maxTime` : Your can pass a <datetime> object or a string with the following

        - A time string with the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ,    
          for example, 2009-01-21T23:00:00Z.  If you specify something, you must include yyyy-MM-dd.   
          You can omit (backwards from the end) Z, :ss, :mm, :HH, and T.   
          Always use UTC (GMT/Zulu) time.   
        - Or specify the number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.                                  
        - Or specify "now-nUnits", for example, "now-7days"        

        `itemsPerPage` : Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

        `page`         : If the number of results is bigger than the "`itemsPerPage`" you can
                         specify the page of results. (Default: 1)

        The search will find datasets that have some data within the specified 
        time bounds.

        Returns a `erddapClient.ERDDAP_SearchResults` object

        searchURL = self.getAdvancedSearchURL( **filters)
        rawSearchResults = urlread(searchURL, self.auth)
        dictSearchResult = rawSearchResults.json()
        formatedResults = ERDDAP_SearchResults(self.serverURL, dictSearchResult['table']['rows'])

        return formatedResults

    def getAdvancedSearchURL(self, filetype='json', **searchFilters): 
        Builds the url call for the advanced Search ERDDAP API Rest service.

        Search filters kwargs:

        `searchFor` : This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata, set the words you 
                      want to search for  with spaces between the words.  ERDDAP will search 
                      for the words separately, not as a phrase. 
                      To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the phrase (for 
                      example, "wind speed"). 
                      To exclude datasets with a specific word, use -excludedWord. 
                      To exclude datasets with a specific phrase, use -"excluded phrase" 
                      To search for specific attribute values, use attName=attValue
                      To find just grid or table datasets, include protocol=griddap 
                      or protocol=tabledap

        Optional filters:

        `protocolol`    : Set either: griddap, tabledap or wms (Default: (ANY))

        `cdm_data_type` : Set either: grid, timeseries, point, timeseriesProfile, trajectory
                          trajectoryProfile, etc.. (Default: (ANY))

        `institution`   : Set either to one of the available instituion values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `ioos_category` : Set either to one of the available ioos_category values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `keywords`      : Set either to one of the available keywords values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `long_name`     : Set either to one of the available long_name values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `standard_name` : Set either to one of the available standard_name values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `variableName`  : Set either to one of the available variable names values in the 
                          ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))
        `minLon`, `maxLon` : Some datasets have longitude values within -180 to 180, others 
                             use 0 to 360. If you specify Min and Max Longitude within -180 to 180
                             (or 0 to 360), ERDDAP will only find datasets that match the values 
                             you specify. Consider doing one search: longitude -180 to 360, or 
                             two searches: longitude -180 to 180, and 0 to 360.

        `minLat`, `maxLat` : Set latitude bounds, range -90 to 90 

        `minTime`, `maxTime` : Your can pass a <datetime> object or a string with the following

        - A time string with the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ,    
          for example, 2009-01-21T23:00:00Z.  If you specify something, you must include yyyy-MM-dd.   
          You can omit (backwards from the end) Z, :ss, :mm, :HH, and T.   
          Always use UTC (GMT/Zulu) time.   
        - Or specify the number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.                                  
        - Or specify "now-nUnits", for example, "now-7days"        

        `itemsPerPage` : Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

        `page`         : If the number of results is bigger than the "`itemsPerPage`" you can
                         specify the page of results. (Default: 1)

        The search will find datasets that have some data within the specified 
        time bounds.

        Returns the string url for the search service.


        searchAPIEndpoint = "search/advanced.{}".format(filetype)
        searchAPIURL = url_operations.url_join( self.serverURL, searchAPIEndpoint )

        queryElementsDefaults = { 'page'          : 1 ,
                                  'itemsPerPage'  : 1000,
                                  'searchFor'     : None,
                                  'protocol'      : "(ANY)",
                                  'cdm_data_type' : "(ANY)",
                                  'institution'   : "(ANY)",
                                  'ioos_category' : "(ANY)",
                                  'keywords'      : "(ANY)",
                                  'long_name'     : "(ANY)",
                                  'standard_name' : "(ANY)",
                                  'variableName'  : "(ANY)",
                                  'maxLat'        : None,
                                  'minLon'        : None,
                                  'maxLon'        : None,
                                  'minLat'        : None,
                                  'minTime'       : None,
                                  'maxTime'       : None}

        for queryElement, queryElementDefault in queryElementsDefaults.items():
            queryValue = searchFilters.get(queryElement, queryElementDefault)

            if queryElement == 'searchFor':
                if queryValue:
                    queryValue = quote_plus(queryValue)
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" + ("" if queryValue is None else queryValue) )
            if queryValue is None:
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" )      
            elif queryElement in ['minTime', 'maxTime']:
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" + parseConstraintDateTime(queryValue) )
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" + str(queryValue) )
        return url_operations.joinURLElements(searchAPIURL, url_operations.parseQueryItems(queryURL, safe='=+-&'))

    def getQueryAllDatasetsURL(self, filetype='json', constraints=[]):
        This method returns a string URL with the allDatasets default 
        Tabledap Dataset from ERDDAP. 


        `filetype` : The result format for the request

        `constraints` : The request constraints list
        Returns a url string

        resultVariables = self.ALLDATASETS_VARIABLES
        response = (
        return response

    def statusPageURL(self):
      Returns the status.html url for the current ERDDAP Server reference.
      if not hasattr(self,'__statusPageURL'):
        self.__statusPageURL = url_operations.url_join(self.serverURL, 'status.html')
      return self.__statusPageURL

    def parseStatusPage(self, force=False):
      This method will load the status.html page of the current ERRDAP server reference 
      this data is parsed into a OrderedDict, with the scalars, and DataFrames with the
      tables provided in status.html page.
      The data will be available in the `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Server.statusValues` 


      `force` : Data is stored in a class property, if force is True, the data will be 
                reloaded, if False, the last loaded data is returned.
      if self.__status_values is None or force:
        statusPageCode = urlread.__wrapped__( self.statusPageURL, self.auth).text
        self.__status_values = parseERDDAPStatusPage(statusPageCode, numversion=self.version_numeric)
    def statusValues(self):
      Returns a OrderedDict with the parsed data of the status.html page.
      More information on the data provided in status.html: 
      [ERDDAP documentaiton](
      return self.__status_values

Class with the representation and methods to access a ERDDAP server.

#   ERDDAP_Server(url, auth=None, lazyload=True)
View Source
    def __init__(self, url, auth=None, lazyload=True):
        Constructs a ERDDAP Server object 

        `url`  : The ERDDAP Server URL 

        `auth` : Tupple with username and password, to access a protected ERDDAP Server

        self.serverURL = url 
        self.auth = auth
        self.tabledapAllDatasets = ERDDAP_Dataset(self.serverURL, 'allDatasets', auth=auth)
        """ An `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Tabledap` object with the reference to the "allDatasets" 
            Dataset, [About allDatasets]( """
        self.__status_values = None

Constructs a ERDDAP Server object ... Arguments:

url : The ERDDAP Server URL

auth : Tupple with username and password, to access a protected ERDDAP Server

#   ALLDATASETS_VARIABLES = ['datasetID', 'accessible', 'institution', 'dataStructure', 'cdm_data_type', 'class', 'title', 'minLongitude', 'maxLongitude', 'longitudeSpacing', 'minLatitude', 'maxLatitude', 'latitudeSpacing', 'minAltitude', 'maxAltitude', 'minTime', 'maxTime', 'timeSpacing', 'griddap', 'subset', 'tabledap', 'MakeAGraph', 'sos', 'wcs', 'wms', 'files', 'fgdc', 'iso19115', 'metadata', 'sourceUrl', 'infoUrl', 'rss', 'email', 'testOutOfDate', 'outOfDate', 'summary']
#   tabledapAllDatasets

An erddapClient.ERDDAP_Tabledap object with the reference to the "allDatasets" Dataset, About allDatasets

#   version_numeric
#   version
#   version_string
#   def search(self, **filters):
View Source
    def search(self, **filters):
        Makes a search request to the ERDDAP Server

        Search filters kwargs:

        `searchFor` :

        * This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata:
          Type the words you want to search for, with spaces between 
          the words.  ERDDAP will search for the words separately, 
          not as a phrase. 
        * To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the 
          phrase (for example, "wind speed"). 
          To exclude datasets with a specific word, use 
          -excludedWord To exclude datasets with a specific 
          phrase, use -"excluded phrase". 
        * Don't use AND between search terms. It is implied. The 
          results will include only the datasets that have all of 
          the specified words and phrases (and none of the excluded 
          words and phrases) in the dataset's metadata (data about 
          the dataset). 
        * Searches are not case-sensitive. 
        * To search for specific attribute values, use 
          attName=attValue . 
        * To find just grid or just table datasets, include 
          protocol=griddap or protocol=tabledap in your search. 
        * This ERDDAP is using searchEngine=original. 
        * In this ERDDAP, you can search for any part of a word. 
        * For example, searching for spee will find datasets with 
          speed and datasets with WindSpeed. 
        * In this ERDDAP, the last word in a phrase may be a partial 
          word. For example, to find datasets from a specific website 
          (usually the start of the datasetID), include (for example) 
          "datasetID=erd" in your search.

        Optional filters:

        `itemsPerPage` : Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

        `page` : If the number of results is bigger than the "`itemsPerPage`" you can
                specify the page of results. (Default: 1)

        Returns a `erddapClient.ERDDAP_SearchResults` object

        searchURL = self.getSearchURL( **filters)
        rawSearchResults = urlread(searchURL, self.auth)
        dictSearchResult = rawSearchResults.json()
        formatedResults = ERDDAP_SearchResults(self.serverURL, dictSearchResult['table']['rows'])

        return formatedResults

Makes a search request to the ERDDAP Server

Search filters kwargs:

searchFor :

  • This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata: Type the words you want to search for, with spaces between the words. ERDDAP will search for the words separately, not as a phrase.
  • To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the phrase (for example, "wind speed"). To exclude datasets with a specific word, use -excludedWord To exclude datasets with a specific phrase, use -"excluded phrase".
  • Don't use AND between search terms. It is implied. The results will include only the datasets that have all of the specified words and phrases (and none of the excluded words and phrases) in the dataset's metadata (data about the dataset).
  • Searches are not case-sensitive.
  • To search for specific attribute values, use attName=attValue .
  • To find just grid or just table datasets, include protocol=griddap or protocol=tabledap in your search.
  • This ERDDAP is using searchEngine=original.
  • In this ERDDAP, you can search for any part of a word.
  • For example, searching for spee will find datasets with speed and datasets with WindSpeed.
  • In this ERDDAP, the last word in a phrase may be a partial word. For example, to find datasets from a specific website (usually the start of the datasetID), include (for example) "datasetID=erd" in your search.

Optional filters:

itemsPerPage : Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

page : If the number of results is bigger than the "itemsPerPage" you can specify the page of results. (Default: 1)

Returns a erddapClient.ERDDAP_SearchResults object

#   def getSearchURL(self, filetype='json', **searchFilters):
View Source
    def getSearchURL(self, filetype='json', **searchFilters):
        Builds the url call for the basic Search ERDDAP API Rest service.


        `filetype` :  The result format (htmlTable, csv, json, tsv, etc) 

        Search filters kwargs:


        * This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata:
          Type the words you want to search for, with spaces between 
          the words.  ERDDAP will search for the words separately, 
          not as a phrase. 
        * To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the 
          phrase (for example, "wind speed"). 
          To exclude datasets with a specific word, use 
          -excludedWord To exclude datasets with a specific 
          phrase, use -"excluded phrase". 
        * Don't use AND between search terms. It is implied. The 
          results will include only the datasets that have all of 
          the specified words and phrases (and none of the excluded 
          words and phrases) in the dataset's metadata (data about 
          the dataset). 
        * Searches are not case-sensitive. 
        * To search for specific attribute values, use 
          attName=attValue . 
        * To find just grid or just table datasets, include 
          protocol=griddap or protocol=tabledap in your search. 
        * This ERDDAP is using searchEngine=original. 
        * In this ERDDAP, you can search for any part of a word. 
        * For example, searching for spee will find datasets with 
          speed and datasets with WindSpeed. 
        * In this ERDDAP, the last word in a phrase may be a partial 
          word. For example, to find datasets from a specific website 
          (usually the start of the datasetID), include (for example) 
          "datasetID=erd" in your search.

        Optional filters:

        `itemsPerPage` :  Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

        `page` : If the number of results is bigger than the "itemsPerPage" you can
                 specify the page of results. (Default: 1)           

        Returns a string with the url search request.
        searchAPIEndpoint = "search/index.{}".format(filetype)
        searchAPIURL = url_operations.url_join( self.serverURL, searchAPIEndpoint ) 

        queryElementsDefaults = { 'page'          : 1 ,
                                  'itemsPerPage'  : 1000,
                                  'searchFor'     : None}

        for queryElement, queryElementDefault in queryElementsDefaults.items():                      
            queryValue = searchFilters.get(queryElement, queryElementDefault)

            if queryElement == 'searchFor':
                if queryValue:
                    queryValue = quote_plus(queryValue)
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" + ("" if queryValue is None else queryValue) )
            if queryValue is None:
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" ) 
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" + str(queryValue) )
        return url_operations.joinURLElements(searchAPIURL, url_operations.parseQueryItems(queryURL, safe='=+-&'))

Builds the url call for the basic Search ERDDAP API Rest service.


filetype : The result format (htmlTable, csv, json, tsv, etc)

Search filters kwargs:


  • This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata: Type the words you want to search for, with spaces between the words. ERDDAP will search for the words separately, not as a phrase.
  • To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the phrase (for example, "wind speed"). To exclude datasets with a specific word, use -excludedWord To exclude datasets with a specific phrase, use -"excluded phrase".
  • Don't use AND between search terms. It is implied. The results will include only the datasets that have all of the specified words and phrases (and none of the excluded words and phrases) in the dataset's metadata (data about the dataset).
  • Searches are not case-sensitive.
  • To search for specific attribute values, use attName=attValue .
  • To find just grid or just table datasets, include protocol=griddap or protocol=tabledap in your search.
  • This ERDDAP is using searchEngine=original.
  • In this ERDDAP, you can search for any part of a word.
  • For example, searching for spee will find datasets with speed and datasets with WindSpeed.
  • In this ERDDAP, the last word in a phrase may be a partial word. For example, to find datasets from a specific website (usually the start of the datasetID), include (for example) "datasetID=erd" in your search.

Optional filters:

itemsPerPage : Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

page : If the number of results is bigger than the "itemsPerPage" you can specify the page of results. (Default: 1)

Returns a string with the url search request.

#   def advancedSearch(self, **filters):
View Source
    def advancedSearch(self, **filters):
        Makes a advancedSearch request to the ERDDAP Server

        Search filters kwargs:

        `searchFor` : This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata, set the words you 
                      want to search for  with spaces between the words.  ERDDAP will search 
                      for the words separately, not as a phrase. 
                      To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the phrase (for 
                      example, "wind speed"). 
                      To exclude datasets with a specific word, use -excludedWord. 
                      To exclude datasets with a specific phrase, use -"excluded phrase" 
                      To search for specific attribute values, use attName=attValue
                      To find just grid or table datasets, include protocol=griddap 
                      or protocol=tabledap

        Optional filters:

        `protocolol`    : Set either: griddap, tabledap or wms (Default: (ANY))

        `cdm_data_type` : Set either: grid, timeseries, point, timeseriesProfile, trajectory
                          trajectoryProfile, etc.. (Default: (ANY))

        `institution`   : Set either to one of the available instituion values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `ioos_category` : Set either to one of the available ioos_category values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `keywords`      : Set either to one of the available keywords values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `long_name`     : Set either to one of the available long_name values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `standard_name` : Set either to one of the available standard_name values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `variableName`  : Set either to one of the available variable names values in the 
                          ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))
        `minLon`, `maxLon` : Some datasets have longitude values within -180 to 180, others 
                             use 0 to 360. If you specify Min and Max Longitude within -180 to 180
                             (or 0 to 360), ERDDAP will only find datasets that match the values 
                             you specify. Consider doing one search: longitude -180 to 360, or 
                             two searches: longitude -180 to 180, and 0 to 360.

        `minLat`, `maxLat` : Set latitude bounds, range -90 to 90 

        `minTime`, `maxTime` : Your can pass a <datetime> object or a string with the following

        - A time string with the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ,    
          for example, 2009-01-21T23:00:00Z.  If you specify something, you must include yyyy-MM-dd.   
          You can omit (backwards from the end) Z, :ss, :mm, :HH, and T.   
          Always use UTC (GMT/Zulu) time.   
        - Or specify the number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.                                  
        - Or specify "now-nUnits", for example, "now-7days"        

        `itemsPerPage` : Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

        `page`         : If the number of results is bigger than the "`itemsPerPage`" you can
                         specify the page of results. (Default: 1)

        The search will find datasets that have some data within the specified 
        time bounds.

        Returns a `erddapClient.ERDDAP_SearchResults` object

        searchURL = self.getAdvancedSearchURL( **filters)
        rawSearchResults = urlread(searchURL, self.auth)
        dictSearchResult = rawSearchResults.json()
        formatedResults = ERDDAP_SearchResults(self.serverURL, dictSearchResult['table']['rows'])

        return formatedResults

Makes a advancedSearch request to the ERDDAP Server

Search filters kwargs:

searchFor : This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata, set the words you want to search for with spaces between the words. ERDDAP will search for the words separately, not as a phrase. To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the phrase (for example, "wind speed"). To exclude datasets with a specific word, use -excludedWord. To exclude datasets with a specific phrase, use -"excluded phrase" To search for specific attribute values, use attName=attValue To find just grid or table datasets, include protocol=griddap or protocol=tabledap

Optional filters:

protocolol : Set either: griddap, tabledap or wms (Default: (ANY))

cdm_data_type : Set either: grid, timeseries, point, timeseriesProfile, trajectory trajectoryProfile, etc.. (Default: (ANY))

institution : Set either to one of the available instituion values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

ioos_category : Set either to one of the available ioos_category values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

keywords : Set either to one of the available keywords values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

long_name : Set either to one of the available long_name values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

standard_name : Set either to one of the available standard_name values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

variableName : Set either to one of the available variable names values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

minLon, maxLon : Some datasets have longitude values within -180 to 180, others use 0 to 360. If you specify Min and Max Longitude within -180 to 180 (or 0 to 360), ERDDAP will only find datasets that match the values you specify. Consider doing one search: longitude -180 to 360, or two searches: longitude -180 to 180, and 0 to 360.

minLat, maxLat : Set latitude bounds, range -90 to 90

minTime, maxTime : Your can pass a object or a string with the following specifications

  • A time string with the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ,
    for example, 2009-01-21T23:00:00Z. If you specify something, you must include yyyy-MM-dd.
    You can omit (backwards from the end) Z, :ss, :mm, :HH, and T.
    Always use UTC (GMT/Zulu) time.
  • Or specify the number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
  • Or specify "now-nUnits", for example, "now-7days"

itemsPerPage : Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

page : If the number of results is bigger than the "itemsPerPage" you can specify the page of results. (Default: 1)

The search will find datasets that have some data within the specified time bounds.

Returns a erddapClient.ERDDAP_SearchResults object

#   def getAdvancedSearchURL(self, filetype='json', **searchFilters):
View Source
    def getAdvancedSearchURL(self, filetype='json', **searchFilters): 
        Builds the url call for the advanced Search ERDDAP API Rest service.

        Search filters kwargs:

        `searchFor` : This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata, set the words you 
                      want to search for  with spaces between the words.  ERDDAP will search 
                      for the words separately, not as a phrase. 
                      To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the phrase (for 
                      example, "wind speed"). 
                      To exclude datasets with a specific word, use -excludedWord. 
                      To exclude datasets with a specific phrase, use -"excluded phrase" 
                      To search for specific attribute values, use attName=attValue
                      To find just grid or table datasets, include protocol=griddap 
                      or protocol=tabledap

        Optional filters:

        `protocolol`    : Set either: griddap, tabledap or wms (Default: (ANY))

        `cdm_data_type` : Set either: grid, timeseries, point, timeseriesProfile, trajectory
                          trajectoryProfile, etc.. (Default: (ANY))

        `institution`   : Set either to one of the available instituion values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `ioos_category` : Set either to one of the available ioos_category values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `keywords`      : Set either to one of the available keywords values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `long_name`     : Set either to one of the available long_name values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `standard_name` : Set either to one of the available standard_name values in the ERDDAP
                          (Default: (ANY))

        `variableName`  : Set either to one of the available variable names values in the 
                          ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))
        `minLon`, `maxLon` : Some datasets have longitude values within -180 to 180, others 
                             use 0 to 360. If you specify Min and Max Longitude within -180 to 180
                             (or 0 to 360), ERDDAP will only find datasets that match the values 
                             you specify. Consider doing one search: longitude -180 to 360, or 
                             two searches: longitude -180 to 180, and 0 to 360.

        `minLat`, `maxLat` : Set latitude bounds, range -90 to 90 

        `minTime`, `maxTime` : Your can pass a <datetime> object or a string with the following

        - A time string with the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ,    
          for example, 2009-01-21T23:00:00Z.  If you specify something, you must include yyyy-MM-dd.   
          You can omit (backwards from the end) Z, :ss, :mm, :HH, and T.   
          Always use UTC (GMT/Zulu) time.   
        - Or specify the number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.                                  
        - Or specify "now-nUnits", for example, "now-7days"        

        `itemsPerPage` : Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

        `page`         : If the number of results is bigger than the "`itemsPerPage`" you can
                         specify the page of results. (Default: 1)

        The search will find datasets that have some data within the specified 
        time bounds.

        Returns the string url for the search service.


        searchAPIEndpoint = "search/advanced.{}".format(filetype)
        searchAPIURL = url_operations.url_join( self.serverURL, searchAPIEndpoint )

        queryElementsDefaults = { 'page'          : 1 ,
                                  'itemsPerPage'  : 1000,
                                  'searchFor'     : None,
                                  'protocol'      : "(ANY)",
                                  'cdm_data_type' : "(ANY)",
                                  'institution'   : "(ANY)",
                                  'ioos_category' : "(ANY)",
                                  'keywords'      : "(ANY)",
                                  'long_name'     : "(ANY)",
                                  'standard_name' : "(ANY)",
                                  'variableName'  : "(ANY)",
                                  'maxLat'        : None,
                                  'minLon'        : None,
                                  'maxLon'        : None,
                                  'minLat'        : None,
                                  'minTime'       : None,
                                  'maxTime'       : None}

        for queryElement, queryElementDefault in queryElementsDefaults.items():
            queryValue = searchFilters.get(queryElement, queryElementDefault)

            if queryElement == 'searchFor':
                if queryValue:
                    queryValue = quote_plus(queryValue)
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" + ("" if queryValue is None else queryValue) )
            if queryValue is None:
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" )      
            elif queryElement in ['minTime', 'maxTime']:
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" + parseConstraintDateTime(queryValue) )
                queryURL.append( queryElement + "=" + str(queryValue) )
        return url_operations.joinURLElements(searchAPIURL, url_operations.parseQueryItems(queryURL, safe='=+-&'))

Builds the url call for the advanced Search ERDDAP API Rest service.

Search filters kwargs:

searchFor : This is a Google-like search of the datasets metadata, set the words you want to search for with spaces between the words. ERDDAP will search for the words separately, not as a phrase. To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the phrase (for example, "wind speed"). To exclude datasets with a specific word, use -excludedWord. To exclude datasets with a specific phrase, use -"excluded phrase" To search for specific attribute values, use attName=attValue To find just grid or table datasets, include protocol=griddap or protocol=tabledap

Optional filters:

protocolol : Set either: griddap, tabledap or wms (Default: (ANY))

cdm_data_type : Set either: grid, timeseries, point, timeseriesProfile, trajectory trajectoryProfile, etc.. (Default: (ANY))

institution : Set either to one of the available instituion values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

ioos_category : Set either to one of the available ioos_category values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

keywords : Set either to one of the available keywords values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

long_name : Set either to one of the available long_name values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

standard_name : Set either to one of the available standard_name values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

variableName : Set either to one of the available variable names values in the ERDDAP (Default: (ANY))

minLon, maxLon : Some datasets have longitude values within -180 to 180, others use 0 to 360. If you specify Min and Max Longitude within -180 to 180 (or 0 to 360), ERDDAP will only find datasets that match the values you specify. Consider doing one search: longitude -180 to 360, or two searches: longitude -180 to 180, and 0 to 360.

minLat, maxLat : Set latitude bounds, range -90 to 90

minTime, maxTime : Your can pass a object or a string with the following specifications

  • A time string with the format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ,
    for example, 2009-01-21T23:00:00Z. If you specify something, you must include yyyy-MM-dd.
    You can omit (backwards from the end) Z, :ss, :mm, :HH, and T.
    Always use UTC (GMT/Zulu) time.
  • Or specify the number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
  • Or specify "now-nUnits", for example, "now-7days"

itemsPerPage : Set the maximum number of results. (Default: 1000)

page : If the number of results is bigger than the "itemsPerPage" you can specify the page of results. (Default: 1)

The search will find datasets that have some data within the specified time bounds.

Returns the string url for the search service.

#   def getQueryAllDatasetsURL(self, filetype='json', constraints=[]):
View Source
    def getQueryAllDatasetsURL(self, filetype='json', constraints=[]):
        This method returns a string URL with the allDatasets default 
        Tabledap Dataset from ERDDAP. 


        `filetype` : The result format for the request

        `constraints` : The request constraints list
        Returns a url string

        resultVariables = self.ALLDATASETS_VARIABLES
        response = (
        return response

This method returns a string URL with the allDatasets default Tabledap Dataset from ERDDAP.


filetype : The result format for the request

constraints : The request constraints list

Returns a url string

#   statusPageURL

Returns the status.html url for the current ERDDAP Server reference.

#   def parseStatusPage(self, force=False):
View Source
    def parseStatusPage(self, force=False):
      This method will load the status.html page of the current ERRDAP server reference 
      this data is parsed into a OrderedDict, with the scalars, and DataFrames with the
      tables provided in status.html page.
      The data will be available in the `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Server.statusValues` 


      `force` : Data is stored in a class property, if force is True, the data will be 
                reloaded, if False, the last loaded data is returned.
      if self.__status_values is None or force:
        statusPageCode = urlread.__wrapped__( self.statusPageURL, self.auth).text
        self.__status_values = parseERDDAPStatusPage(statusPageCode, numversion=self.version_numeric)

This method will load the status.html page of the current ERRDAP server reference this data is parsed into a OrderedDict, with the scalars, and DataFrames with the tables provided in status.html page. The data will be available in the erddapClient.ERDDAP_Server.statusValues property


force : Data is stored in a class property, if force is True, the data will be reloaded, if False, the last loaded data is returned.

#   statusValues

Returns a OrderedDict with the parsed data of the status.html page. More information on the data provided in status.html: ERDDAP documentaiton

#   class ERDDAP_Dataset:
View Source
class ERDDAP_Dataset:
  Class to represent the shared attributes and methods of a ERDDAP Dataset
  either a griddap or tabledap.

  BINARY_FILETYPES = [ 'dods', 'mat', 'nc', 'ncCF', 'ncCFMA', 'wav', 
                       'smallPdf', 'pdf', 'largePdf', 
                       'smallPng', 'png', 'largePng', 'transparentPng']

  def __init__(self, erddapurl, datasetid, protocol='tabledap', auth=None, lazyload=True):
    self.erddapurl = erddapurl
    self.datasetid = datasetid
    self.protocol = protocol    
    self.erddapauth = auth

    self.__metadata = None

    self.resultVariables = []
    self.constraints = []
    self.serverSideFunctions = []

    if not lazyload:

  def __str__(self):
    return dataset_str(self)

  def __simple_repr__(self):
    return simple_dataset_repr(self)

  def setResultVariables(self, variables):
    This function sets the optional comma-separated list of variables 
    called "resultsVariables" as part of the query for data request.
    (for example: longitude,latitude,time,station,wmo_platform_code,T_25).
    For each variable in resultsVariables, there will be a column in the 
    results table, in the same order. If you don't specify any results 
    variables, the results table will include columns for all of the 
    variables in the dataset.


    `variables` : The list of variables, this can be a string with the 
                  comma separated variables, or a list.
    Returns the current object allowing chaining functions.

    if type(variables) is list:
      self.resultVariables = variables 
    elif type(variables) is str:
      self.resultVariables = variables.split(',')
      self.resultVariables = [ rv.strip() for rv in self.resultVariables]
      raise Exception("variables argument must be list, or comma separated list of variables")
    return self

  def addResultVariable(self, variable):
    Adds a variable to the data request query element "resultsVariables"


    `variable` : A string with the variable name add.
    return self

  def setConstraints(self, constraintListOrDict):
    This functions sets the constraints for the data request query.

    More on ERDDAP constraints:

    return self 

  def addConstraints(self, constraintListOrDict):
    if isinstance(constraintListOrDict,dict):
      for k,v in constraintListOrDict.items():
    elif isinstance(constraintListOrDict,list):
      for constraint in constraintListOrDict:
      raise Exception("Constraints argument must be either dictionary or list")
    return self

  def addConstraint(self, constraint):
    This adds a constraint to the data request query.


    `constraint` : This can be a string with the constraint, or a dictionary
                   element, being the key the first part of the constraint, and 
                   the dict value the constraint value.

    >>> dataset.addConstraint('time>=2020-12-29T00:00:00Z')
    >>> dataset.addConstraint({ 'time>=' : dt.datetime(2020,12,29) })

    More on ERDDAP constraints:
    if isinstance(constraint,dict):
    elif isinstance(constraint,str):
      raise Exception("constraint argument must be either string or a dictionary")
    return self

  def _addConstraintStr(self, constraint):

  def _addConstraintDict(self, constraintDict):
    constraintKey = next(iter(constraintDict))

  def getDataRequestURL(self, filetype=DEFAULT_FILETYPE, useSafeURL=True):
    requestURL = self.getBaseURL(filetype)
    query = ""

    if len(self.resultVariables) > 0:
      query += url_operations.parseQueryItems(self.resultVariables, useSafeURL, safe='', item_separator=',')

    if len(self.constraints) > 0:
      query += '&' + url_operations.parseQueryItems(self.constraints, useSafeURL, safe='=!()&')

    if len(self.serverSideFunctions) > 0:
      query += '&' + url_operations.parseQueryItems(self.serverSideFunctions, useSafeURL, safe='=!()&/')

    requestURL = url_operations.joinURLElements(requestURL, query)

    self.lastRequestURL = requestURL
    return self.lastRequestURL
  def getURL(self, filetype=DEFAULT_FILETYPE, useSafeURL=True):
    Buils and returns a strint with the data request query, with the available
    resultsVariables, constraints and operations provided.
    return self.getDataRequestURL(filetype, useSafeURL)

  def getBaseURL(self, filetype=DEFAULT_FILETYPE):
    if filetype.lower() == 'opendap':
      return url_operations.url_join(self.erddapurl, self.protocol, self.datasetid )
      return url_operations.url_join(self.erddapurl, self.protocol, self.datasetid + "." + filetype )

  def getAttribute(self, attribute, variableName='NC_GLOBAL'):
    Returns the value for a attribute name in the dataset. If the metadata of the
    dataset is not already in memory, this functions will load it, calling the
    function `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.loadMetadata`

    if variableName == 'NC_GLOBAL':
      if attribute in self.__metadata['global'].keys():
        return self.__metadata['global'][attribute]
      for vd in [ self.__metadata['dimensions'], self.__metadata['variables'] ]:
        if variableName in vd.keys():
          if attribute in vd[variableName].keys():
            return vd[variableName][attribute]

  def loadMetadata(self, force=False):
    Loads in to memory the metadata atributes and values available in the info
    page of the dataset.


    `force` : If true, this method will reload the metadata attributes
    even if the information where already downloaded.    
    if self.__metadata is None or force:
      rawRequest = urlread(self.getMetadataURL(), auth=self.erddapauth)
      rawRequestJson = rawRequest.json()
      self.__metadata = parseDictMetadata(rawRequestJson)
      return True
  def variables(self):
    Returns list of variables of this dataset, and it's associate metadata 
    return self.__metadata['variables']

  def dimensions(self):
    Returns a list of the dataset dimensions, and it's associate metadata
    return self.__metadata['dimensions']

  def info(self):
    Returns a list of the global metadata of this dataset.
    return self.__metadata['global']

  def getMetadataURL(self, filetype='json'):
    Returns a string with the url to request the metadata for the dataset.


    `filetype` : The filetype for the metadata request, defaults to 'json'

    return url_operations.url_join(self.erddapurl, "info", self.datasetid , "index." + filetype )

  def clearConstraints(self):
    Clears from the constrains stack all the constraints provided by the 
    `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.setConstraints`, `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.addConstraint`

    self.constraints = []

  def clearServerSideFunctions(self):
    Clears from the server side functions stack all the functions provided by the 
    methods available, like `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Tabledap.orderBy`, 
    `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Tabledap.orderByClosest`, etc.
    self.serverSideFunctions = []

  def clearResultVariables(self):
    Clears from the results variables stack all the variabkles provided by the 
    `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.setResultsVariables` and 
    `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.addResultVariable` methods
    self.resultVariables = []

  def clearQuery(self):
    Clears all the query elements of the stack, variables, constraints and
    server side variables.


  def getData(self, filetype=DEFAULT_FILETYPE, request_kwargs={}):
    Makes a data request to the ERDDAP server, the request url is build
    using the `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.getURL` function. 

    Aditional request arguments for the urlread function can be provided
    as kwargs in this function.

    Returns either a string or a binary format (`erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.BINARY_FILETYPES`) 
    depending on the filetype specified in the query.

    rawRequest = urlread(self.getDataRequestURL(filetype), auth=self.erddapauth, **request_kwargs)
    if filetype in self.BINARY_FILETYPES:
      return rawRequest.content
      return rawRequest.text

  def getDataFrame(self, request_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
    This method makes a data request to the ERDDAP server in csv format
    then convert it to a pandas object. 
    The pandas object is created using the read_csv method, and 
    additional arguments for this method can be provided as kwargs in this

    Returns the pandas DataFrame object.
    csvpdata = self.getData('csvp', **request_kwargs)
    return pd.read_csv(StringIO(csvpdata), **kwargs)

Class to represent the shared attributes and methods of a ERDDAP Dataset either a griddap or tabledap.

#   ERDDAP_Dataset(erddapurl, datasetid, protocol='tabledap', auth=None, lazyload=True)
View Source
  def __init__(self, erddapurl, datasetid, protocol='tabledap', auth=None, lazyload=True):
    self.erddapurl = erddapurl
    self.datasetid = datasetid
    self.protocol = protocol    
    self.erddapauth = auth

    self.__metadata = None

    self.resultVariables = []
    self.constraints = []
    self.serverSideFunctions = []

    if not lazyload:
#   BINARY_FILETYPES = ['dods', 'mat', 'nc', 'ncCF', 'ncCFMA', 'wav', 'smallPdf', 'pdf', 'largePdf', 'smallPng', 'png', 'largePng', 'transparentPng']
#   def setResultVariables(self, variables):
View Source
  def setResultVariables(self, variables):
    This function sets the optional comma-separated list of variables 
    called "resultsVariables" as part of the query for data request.
    (for example: longitude,latitude,time,station,wmo_platform_code,T_25).
    For each variable in resultsVariables, there will be a column in the 
    results table, in the same order. If you don't specify any results 
    variables, the results table will include columns for all of the 
    variables in the dataset.


    `variables` : The list of variables, this can be a string with the 
                  comma separated variables, or a list.
    Returns the current object allowing chaining functions.

    if type(variables) is list:
      self.resultVariables = variables 
    elif type(variables) is str:
      self.resultVariables = variables.split(',')
      self.resultVariables = [ rv.strip() for rv in self.resultVariables]
      raise Exception("variables argument must be list, or comma separated list of variables")
    return self

This function sets the optional comma-separated list of variables called "resultsVariables" as part of the query for data request. (for example: longitude,latitude,time,station,wmo_platform_code,T_25). For each variable in resultsVariables, there will be a column in the results table, in the same order. If you don't specify any results variables, the results table will include columns for all of the variables in the dataset.


variables : The list of variables, this can be a string with the comma separated variables, or a list.

Returns the current object allowing chaining functions.

#   def addResultVariable(self, variable):
View Source
  def addResultVariable(self, variable):
    Adds a variable to the data request query element "resultsVariables"


    `variable` : A string with the variable name add.
    return self

Adds a variable to the data request query element "resultsVariables"


variable : A string with the variable name add.

#   def setConstraints(self, constraintListOrDict):
View Source
  def setConstraints(self, constraintListOrDict):
    This functions sets the constraints for the data request query.

    More on ERDDAP constraints:

    return self 

This functions sets the constraints for the data request query.

More on ERDDAP constraints:

#   def addConstraints(self, constraintListOrDict):
View Source
  def addConstraints(self, constraintListOrDict):
    if isinstance(constraintListOrDict,dict):
      for k,v in constraintListOrDict.items():
    elif isinstance(constraintListOrDict,list):
      for constraint in constraintListOrDict:
      raise Exception("Constraints argument must be either dictionary or list")
    return self
#   def addConstraint(self, constraint):
View Source
  def addConstraint(self, constraint):
    This adds a constraint to the data request query.


    `constraint` : This can be a string with the constraint, or a dictionary
                   element, being the key the first part of the constraint, and 
                   the dict value the constraint value.

    >>> dataset.addConstraint('time>=2020-12-29T00:00:00Z')
    >>> dataset.addConstraint({ 'time>=' : dt.datetime(2020,12,29) })

    More on ERDDAP constraints:
    if isinstance(constraint,dict):
    elif isinstance(constraint,str):
      raise Exception("constraint argument must be either string or a dictionary")
    return self

This adds a constraint to the data request query.


constraint : This can be a string with the constraint, or a dictionary element, being the key the first part of the constraint, and the dict value the constraint value.


>>> dataset.addConstraint('time>=2020-12-29T00:00:00Z')
>>> dataset.addConstraint({ 'time>=' : dt.datetime(2020,12,29) })

More on ERDDAP constraints:

#   def getDataRequestURL(self, filetype='csvp', useSafeURL=True):
View Source
  def getDataRequestURL(self, filetype=DEFAULT_FILETYPE, useSafeURL=True):
    requestURL = self.getBaseURL(filetype)
    query = ""

    if len(self.resultVariables) > 0:
      query += url_operations.parseQueryItems(self.resultVariables, useSafeURL, safe='', item_separator=',')

    if len(self.constraints) > 0:
      query += '&' + url_operations.parseQueryItems(self.constraints, useSafeURL, safe='=!()&')

    if len(self.serverSideFunctions) > 0:
      query += '&' + url_operations.parseQueryItems(self.serverSideFunctions, useSafeURL, safe='=!()&/')

    requestURL = url_operations.joinURLElements(requestURL, query)

    self.lastRequestURL = requestURL
    return self.lastRequestURL
#   def getURL(self, filetype='csvp', useSafeURL=True):
View Source
  def getURL(self, filetype=DEFAULT_FILETYPE, useSafeURL=True):
    Buils and returns a strint with the data request query, with the available
    resultsVariables, constraints and operations provided.
    return self.getDataRequestURL(filetype, useSafeURL)

Buils and returns a strint with the data request query, with the available resultsVariables, constraints and operations provided.

#   def getBaseURL(self, filetype='csvp'):
View Source
  def getBaseURL(self, filetype=DEFAULT_FILETYPE):
    if filetype.lower() == 'opendap':
      return url_operations.url_join(self.erddapurl, self.protocol, self.datasetid )
      return url_operations.url_join(self.erddapurl, self.protocol, self.datasetid + "." + filetype )
#   def getAttribute(self, attribute, variableName='NC_GLOBAL'):
View Source
  def getAttribute(self, attribute, variableName='NC_GLOBAL'):
    Returns the value for a attribute name in the dataset. If the metadata of the
    dataset is not already in memory, this functions will load it, calling the
    function `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.loadMetadata`

    if variableName == 'NC_GLOBAL':
      if attribute in self.__metadata['global'].keys():
        return self.__metadata['global'][attribute]
      for vd in [ self.__metadata['dimensions'], self.__metadata['variables'] ]:
        if variableName in vd.keys():
          if attribute in vd[variableName].keys():
            return vd[variableName][attribute]

Returns the value for a attribute name in the dataset. If the metadata of the dataset is not already in memory, this functions will load it, calling the function erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.loadMetadata

#   def loadMetadata(self, force=False):
View Source
  def loadMetadata(self, force=False):
    Loads in to memory the metadata atributes and values available in the info
    page of the dataset.


    `force` : If true, this method will reload the metadata attributes
    even if the information where already downloaded.    
    if self.__metadata is None or force:
      rawRequest = urlread(self.getMetadataURL(), auth=self.erddapauth)
      rawRequestJson = rawRequest.json()
      self.__metadata = parseDictMetadata(rawRequestJson)
      return True

Loads in to memory the metadata atributes and values available in the info page of the dataset.


force : If true, this method will reload the metadata attributes even if the information where already downloaded.

#   variables

Returns list of variables of this dataset, and it's associate metadata

#   dimensions

Returns a list of the dataset dimensions, and it's associate metadata

#   info

Returns a list of the global metadata of this dataset.

#   def getMetadataURL(self, filetype='json'):
View Source
  def getMetadataURL(self, filetype='json'):
    Returns a string with the url to request the metadata for the dataset.


    `filetype` : The filetype for the metadata request, defaults to 'json'

    return url_operations.url_join(self.erddapurl, "info", self.datasetid , "index." + filetype )

Returns a string with the url to request the metadata for the dataset.


filetype : The filetype for the metadata request, defaults to 'json'

#   def clearConstraints(self):
View Source
  def clearConstraints(self):
    Clears from the constrains stack all the constraints provided by the 
    `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.setConstraints`, `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.addConstraint`

    self.constraints = []

Clears from the constrains stack all the constraints provided by the erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.setConstraints, erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.addConstraint methods.

#   def clearServerSideFunctions(self):
View Source
  def clearServerSideFunctions(self):
    Clears from the server side functions stack all the functions provided by the 
    methods available, like `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Tabledap.orderBy`, 
    `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Tabledap.orderByClosest`, etc.
    self.serverSideFunctions = []

Clears from the server side functions stack all the functions provided by the methods available, like erddapClient.ERDDAP_Tabledap.orderBy, erddapClient.ERDDAP_Tabledap.orderByClosest, etc.

#   def clearResultVariables(self):
View Source
  def clearResultVariables(self):
    Clears from the results variables stack all the variabkles provided by the 
    `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.setResultsVariables` and 
    `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.addResultVariable` methods
    self.resultVariables = []

Clears from the results variables stack all the variabkles provided by the erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.setResultsVariables and erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.addResultVariable methods

#   def clearQuery(self):
View Source
  def clearQuery(self):
    Clears all the query elements of the stack, variables, constraints and
    server side variables.


Clears all the query elements of the stack, variables, constraints and server side variables.

#   def getData(self, filetype='csvp', request_kwargs={}):
View Source
  def getData(self, filetype=DEFAULT_FILETYPE, request_kwargs={}):
    Makes a data request to the ERDDAP server, the request url is build
    using the `erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.getURL` function. 

    Aditional request arguments for the urlread function can be provided
    as kwargs in this function.

    Returns either a string or a binary format (`erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.BINARY_FILETYPES`) 
    depending on the filetype specified in the query.

    rawRequest = urlread(self.getDataRequestURL(filetype), auth=self.erddapauth, **request_kwargs)
    if filetype in self.BINARY_FILETYPES:
      return rawRequest.content
      return rawRequest.text

Makes a data request to the ERDDAP server, the request url is build using the erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.getURL function.

Aditional request arguments for the urlread function can be provided as kwargs in this function.

Returns either a string or a binary format (erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset.BINARY_FILETYPES) depending on the filetype specified in the query.

#   def getDataFrame(self, request_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
View Source
  def getDataFrame(self, request_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
    This method makes a data request to the ERDDAP server in csv format
    then convert it to a pandas object. 
    The pandas object is created using the read_csv method, and 
    additional arguments for this method can be provided as kwargs in this

    Returns the pandas DataFrame object.
    csvpdata = self.getData('csvp', **request_kwargs)
    return pd.read_csv(StringIO(csvpdata), **kwargs)

This method makes a data request to the ERDDAP server in csv format then convert it to a pandas object.

The pandas object is created using the read_csv method, and additional arguments for this method can be provided as kwargs in this method.

Returns the pandas DataFrame object.

#   class ERDDAP_Tabledap(erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset):
View Source
class ERDDAP_Tabledap(ERDDAP_Dataset):
  Class with the representation and methods for a ERDDAP Tabledap Dataset



  def __init__(self, url, datasetid, auth=None, lazyload=True):
    Constructs the ERDDAP_Tabledap, and if specified, automaticaly loads
    the metadata information of the dataset.


    `url` : The url of the ERDDAP Server that contains the tabledap dataset.

    `datasetid` : The identifier of the dataset.

    `auth` : Tupple with username and password for a protected ERDDAP Server.

    `lazyload` : If false calls the loadMetadata method.

    super().__init__(url, datasetid, 'tabledap', auth, lazyload=lazyload)

  def __str__(self):
    dst_repr_ = super().__str__()
    return dst_repr_ + tabledap_str(self)

  def loadMetadata(self, force=False):
    if super().loadMetadata(force):

  # Tabledap server side functions wrappers
  def addVariablesWhere(self, attributeName, attributeValue):
    Adds "addVariablesWhere" server side function to the data request query
      'addVariablesWhere("{}","{}")'.format(attributeName, attributeValue) 
    return self

  def distinct(self):
    Adds "distinct" server side function to the data request query
    self.serverSideFunctions.append( 'distinct()' )
    return self
  def units(self, value):
    self.serverSideFunctions.append( 'units({})'.format(value) )

  def orderBy(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderBy', variables)
    return self
  def orderByClosest(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByClosest', variables)
    return self

  def orderByCount(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByCount', variables)
    return self    

  def orderByLimit(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByLimit', variables)
    return self

  def orderByMax(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByMax', variables)
    return self    

  def orderByMin(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByMin', variables)
    return self    

  def orderByMinMax(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByMinMax', variables)
    return self  

  def orderByMean(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByMean', variables)
    return self     

  def addServerSideFunction(self, functionName, arguments):
        functionName, ifListToCommaSeparatedString(arguments)

Class with the representation and methods for a ERDDAP Tabledap Dataset

#   ERDDAP_Tabledap(url, datasetid, auth=None, lazyload=True)
View Source
  def __init__(self, url, datasetid, auth=None, lazyload=True):
    Constructs the ERDDAP_Tabledap, and if specified, automaticaly loads
    the metadata information of the dataset.


    `url` : The url of the ERDDAP Server that contains the tabledap dataset.

    `datasetid` : The identifier of the dataset.

    `auth` : Tupple with username and password for a protected ERDDAP Server.

    `lazyload` : If false calls the loadMetadata method.

    super().__init__(url, datasetid, 'tabledap', auth, lazyload=lazyload)

Constructs the ERDDAP_Tabledap, and if specified, automaticaly loads the metadata information of the dataset.


url : The url of the ERDDAP Server that contains the tabledap dataset.

datasetid : The identifier of the dataset.

auth : Tupple with username and password for a protected ERDDAP Server.

lazyload : If false calls the loadMetadata method.

#   def loadMetadata(self, force=False):
View Source
  def loadMetadata(self, force=False):
    if super().loadMetadata(force):

Loads in to memory the metadata atributes and values available in the info page of the dataset.


force : If true, this method will reload the metadata attributes even if the information where already downloaded.

#   def addVariablesWhere(self, attributeName, attributeValue):
View Source
  def addVariablesWhere(self, attributeName, attributeValue):
    Adds "addVariablesWhere" server side function to the data request query
      'addVariablesWhere("{}","{}")'.format(attributeName, attributeValue) 
    return self

Adds "addVariablesWhere" server side function to the data request query

#   def distinct(self):
View Source
  def distinct(self):
    Adds "distinct" server side function to the data request query
    self.serverSideFunctions.append( 'distinct()' )
    return self

Adds "distinct" server side function to the data request query

#   def units(self, value):
View Source
  def units(self, value):
    self.serverSideFunctions.append( 'units({})'.format(value) )

#   def orderBy(self, variables):
View Source
  def orderBy(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderBy', variables)
    return self

#   def orderByClosest(self, variables):
View Source
  def orderByClosest(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByClosest', variables)
    return self

#   def orderByCount(self, variables):
View Source
  def orderByCount(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByCount', variables)
    return self

#   def orderByLimit(self, variables):
View Source
  def orderByLimit(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByLimit', variables)
    return self

#   def orderByMax(self, variables):
View Source
  def orderByMax(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByMax', variables)
    return self

#   def orderByMin(self, variables):
View Source
  def orderByMin(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByMin', variables)
    return self

#   def orderByMinMax(self, variables):
View Source
  def orderByMinMax(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByMinMax', variables)
    return self

#   def orderByMean(self, variables):
View Source
  def orderByMean(self, variables):
    self.addServerSideFunction('orderByMean', variables)
    return self

#   def addServerSideFunction(self, functionName, arguments):
View Source
  def addServerSideFunction(self, functionName, arguments):
        functionName, ifListToCommaSeparatedString(arguments)
#   class ERDDAP_Griddap(erddapClient.ERDDAP_Dataset):
View Source
class ERDDAP_Griddap(ERDDAP_Dataset):
  Class with the representation and methods for a ERDDAP Griddap Dataset



  def __init__(self, url, datasetid, auth=None, lazyload=True):
    super().__init__(url, datasetid, 'griddap', auth, lazyload=lazyload)
    self.__dimensions = None
    self.__positional_indexes = None
    This property stores the last dimensions slices that builds the subset query. Its used to build opendap
    compatible queryes, and to get the dimensions values of the subset.

  def __str__(self):
    dst_repr_ = super().__str__()
    return dst_repr_ + griddap_str(self)

  def loadMetadata(self, force=False):
    Loads in to memory the metadata atributes and values available in the info
    page of the dataset.


    `force` : If true, this method will reload the metadata attributes
    even if the information where already downloaded.   
    if super().loadMetadata(force):

  def dimensions(self):
    return self.__dimensions

  def clearQuery(self):
    self.__positional_indexes = None

  def loadDimensionValues(self, force=False):
    This methods loads from the ERDDAP Server the dimension values
    for the current griddap dataset.  This values will be used to 
    calculate integer indexes for opendap requests.


    `force` : If true, this method will reload the dimensions values
    even if the values where already downloaded.

    if self.__dimensions is None or force:
      dimensionVariableNames = list(self._ERDDAP_Dataset__metadata['dimensions'].keys())

      _resultVars = self.resultVariables
      dimensionsData = ( self.setResultVariables(dimensionVariableNames)
                             .getDataFrame(header=0, names=dimensionVariableNames)  )
      self.resultVariables = _resultVars
      self.__dimensions = ERDDAP_Griddap_dimensions()
      for dimName in dimensionVariableNames:
        dimDatadroppedNaNs = dimensionsData[dimName].dropna()
        if dimName == 'time':
          numericDates = np.array([ date2num(dt.datetime.strptime(_dt, ERDDAP_DATETIME_FORMAT), ERDDAP_TIME_UNITS) if (isinstance(_dt,str)) else _dt for _dt in dimDatadroppedNaNs] )
          dimensionSeries = pd.Series( data = np.arange(numericDates.size), index = numericDates)   
          dimensionSeries = pd.Series( data = dimDatadroppedNaNs.index.values, index = dimDatadroppedNaNs.values) 

        dimMeta = self._ERDDAP_Dataset__metadata['dimensions'][dimName]
        self.__dimensions[dimName] = ERDDAP_Griddap_dimension(dimName, dimensionSeries, metadata=dimMeta)       

  def getxArray(self, **kwargs_od):
    Returns an xarray object subset of the ERDDAP dataset current selection query


    This method will pass all kwargs to the xarray.open_dataset method.
    open_dataset_kwparams = { 'mask_and_scale' : True } # Accept _FillValue, scale_value and add_offset attribute functionality
    subsetURL = self.getDataRequestURL(filetype='opendap', useSafeURL=False)
    if self.erddapauth:
      session = requests.Session()
      session.auth = self.erddapauth
      store =,
      _xarray = xr.open_dataset(store, **open_dataset_kwparams)
      _xarray = xr.open_dataset(subsetURL, **open_dataset_kwparams)
    # Add extra information to the xarray object, the dimension information.
    # Add the subset of the dimensions values to the xarray object
    _subset_coords = { dimName :[self.__positional_indexes[dimName]] for dimName, dObj in self.dimensions.items() }
    if self.dimensions.timeDimension:
      _subset_coords[] = self.dimensions.timeDimension.timeData[ self.__positional_indexes[] ]
    _xarray = _xarray.assign_coords(_subset_coords)
    # Add attributes to the coordinates
    for dimName, dObj in self.dimensions.items():
      _xarray.coords[dimName].attrs = dObj.metadata

    return _xarray

  def getncDataset(self, **kwargs):
    Returns an netCDF4.Dataset object subset of the ERDDAP dataset


    This method will pass all kwargs to the netCDF4.Dataset method.
    subsetURL = (self.getDataRequestURL(filetype='opendap', useSafeURL=False))
    if self.erddapauth:
      # TODO Add user, password in URL
      _netcdf4Dataset = Dataset(subsetURL, **kwargs)
      _netcdf4Dataset = Dataset(subsetURL, **kwargs)
    return _netcdf4Dataset 

  def getDataRequestURL(self, filetype=DEFAULT_FILETYPE, useSafeURL=True, resultVariables=None):
    Returns the fully built ERDDAP data request url with the available components. 


    `filetype` : The request download format 

    `useSafeURL` : If True the query part of the url will be encoded

    `resultVariables` : If None, the self.resultVariables will be used.

    requestURL = self.getBaseURL(filetype)
    query = ""

    if resultVariables is None:
      resultVariables = self.resultVariables

    if filetype == 'opendap':
      if self.__positional_indexes:
        resultVariables = self._resultVariablesWithValidDapIndexing()
        # resultVariables = self._convertERDDAPSubset2OpendapRegular(resultVariables)
        resultVariables = self._parseResultVariablesExtendedDapQueryToValidDap(resultVariables)
      if self.__positional_indexes:
        resultVariables = self._resultVariablesWithValidDapIndexing()

    if len(self.resultVariables) > 0:
      query += url_operations.parseQueryItems(resultVariables, useSafeURL, safe='', item_separator=',')

    requestURL = url_operations.joinURLElements(requestURL, query)

    self.lastRequestURL = requestURL
    return self.lastRequestURL

  def setSubset(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
    Sets a query subset for griddap request, by using dimension names

    Usage example:

    dsub = ( remote.setResultVariables(['temperature','salinity'])
                   .setSubset( time=slice(dt.datetime(2014,6,15), dt.datetime(2014,7,15)),
                               latitude=slice(18.10, 31.96), 
                               longitude=slice(-98, -76.41))
                   .getxArray() )
    self.__positional_indexes = self.dimensions.subset(*pdims, **kwdims)
    return self

  def setSubsetI(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
    Sets a query subset for griddap request, by using its positional
    integer index.

    Usage example:

    dsub = ( remote.setResultVariables(['temperature','salinity'])
                   .setSubsetI( time=slice(-10,-1),
                                latitude=slice(10, 150), 
                                longitude=slice(20, 100) )
                   .getxArray() )

    self.__positional_indexes = self.dimensions.subsetI(*pdims, **kwdims)
    return self

  def _parseResultVariablesExtendedDapQueryToValidDap(self, resultVariables):

    This method will receive a string from the resultVariables part of the
    ERDDAP griddap request like: 

    And will return the each result varibel with valid opendap integer indexing query,
    This operation is done by parsing the subset, obtaining the elements of the
    slice that are erddap opendap extended format, the ones between ( ), and converting
    the nearest integer index.

    By parsing the subset, this function returns also error messages on a bad formed
    queryComponents = parse_griddap_resultvariables_slices(resultVariables)

    parsedResultVariables = []
    _parsed_positional_indexes = OrderedDict({ dimname : None for dimname, dobj in self.dimensions.items() })
    for qIdx, queryComponent in enumerate(queryComponents):

      if len(queryComponent['sliceComponents']) != 0 and len(self.dimensions) != len(queryComponent['sliceComponents']):        
        raise Exception('The subset request ({}) must match the number of dimensions ({})'.format(resultVariables[qIdx], self.dimensions.ndims))
      indexSlice = {'start' : None, 'stop' : None}
      indexSliceStr = ""

      for dimOrder, (dimensionName, sliceComponent) in enumerate(zip(self.dimensions.keys(), queryComponent['sliceComponents'])):
        # Check if start of stop components of the slice is opendap extended format, 
        # The way to detect them is if they are between (dimValue) 
        for slicePart in ['start', 'stop']:

          if slicePart in sliceComponent and is_slice_element_opendap_extended(sliceComponent[slicePart]):
            # In griddap querys, the slice start and stop, can be between ( ), this notation is a extended
            # opendap format that uses the dimensions values or special keywords to slice the dimensions.
            # More on this:

            sliceComponentValue = get_value_from_opendap_extended_slice_element(sliceComponent[slicePart])
            if validate_iso8601(sliceComponentValue):
              sliceComponentValueNum = iso8601STRtoNum(sliceComponentValue)
              sliceComponentIdx = self.dimensions[dimensionName].closestIdx(sliceComponentValueNum)
            elif validate_float(sliceComponentValue):
              sliceComponentValue = float(sliceComponentValue)
              sliceComponentIdx = self.dimensions[dimensionName].closestIdx(sliceComponentValue)

            elif validate_int(sliceComponentValue):
              sliceComponentValue = int(sliceComponentValue)
              sliceComponentIdx = self.dimensions[dimensionName].closestIdx(sliceComponentValue)

            elif validate_last_keyword(sliceComponentValue):
              sliceComponentValue2Eval = sliceComponentValue.replace('last',str(self.dimensions[dimensionName].values.index[-1]))
              sliceComponentIdx = self.dimensions[dimensionName].closestIdx(eval(sliceComponentValue2Eval))
              raise Exception('Malformed subset : ({}) , couldn\'t parse: ({})'.format(resultVariables[qIdx], sliceComponentValue))
            # In the slice is not between ( ) , then this means the slice component its using the numeric indexes
            # to create the slice.  The only special keyword allowed here, its 'last', which means the last numeric
            # index in the current dimension.
            # More on this:
            if slicePart in sliceComponent:
              sliceComponentValue = sliceComponent[slicePart]
              if validate_last_keyword(sliceComponentValue):
                sliceComponentValue2Eval = sliceComponentValue.replace('last',str(self.dimensions[dimensionName].values.iloc[-1]))
                sliceComponentIdx = int(eval(sliceComponentValue2Eval))
                sliceComponentIdx = int(sliceComponentValue)

          if sliceComponentIdx is None:
            raise Exception('Malformed subset : ({}) , The constraint ({}) is out of dimension range: [{}]'.format(resultVariables[qIdx], sliceComponentValue, self.dimensions[dimensionName].range))

          indexSlice[slicePart] = sliceComponentIdx        
        #endfor slicePart

        # Build the valid slice object with equivalent numeric indexes in self.__positional_indexes
        _sobj = None # slice object, to include to self.__positional_indexes
        if 'stride' in sliceComponent:
          _sobj = slice( indexSlice['start'], indexSlice['stop'] + 1, int(sliceComponent['stride']) )
        elif 'stop' in sliceComponent:
          _sobj = slice(indexSlice['start'], indexSlice['stop'] + 1)
        elif 'start' in sliceComponent:
          _sobj = slice(indexSlice['start'], indexSlice['start'] + 1)

        _parsed_positional_indexes[dimensionName] = _sobj
      #endfor dimension
      self.__positional_indexes = _parsed_positional_indexes
      _validDapIndexing = self._convertPositionalIndexes2DapQuery()

      # Join the variable name with the openDap indexing
      parsedResultVariables.append(queryComponent['variableName'] + _validDapIndexing)
    #end for queryComponent
    return parsedResultVariables

  def _convertPositionalIndexes2DapQuery(self):
    This function will convert the positional_indexes dictionary of slices, to a string
    query type, compatible with the opendap protocol.

    The property __positional_indexes will contain the slices for each dimension in a dict.

    OrderedDict([('time', slice(200, 201, None)),
             ('altitude', slice(0, 1, None)),
             ('latitude', slice(337, 465, None)),
             ('longitude', slice(1018, 1146, None))])

    This method converts and returns the above to the opendap compatible query string.


      - Compatible opendap query string


    def parseNegativeIndex(nidx, dref):
      return nidx if nidx >= 0 else dref.size + nidx

    if self.__positional_indexes is None or all(dimSlice is None for dimName, dimSlice in self.__positional_indexes.items()):
      return ""
    validDapIndexing = ""
    for dimName, dimSlice in self.__positional_indexes.items():
      if dimSlice is None:
        raise Exception("Not a valid slice available for dimension: {} ".format(dimName))
      if not dimSlice.step is None:
        _start = parseNegativeIndex(dimSlice.start, self.dimensions[dimName])
        _stop = parseNegativeIndex(dimSlice.stop, self.dimensions[dimName])
        #_sc = "[{}:{}:{}]".format(dimSlice.start, dimSlice.step, dimSlice.stop-1)
        _sc = "[{}:{}:{}]".format(_start, dimSlice.step, _stop-1)
      elif not dimSlice.start is None:
        _start = parseNegativeIndex(dimSlice.start, self.dimensions[dimName])
        _stop = parseNegativeIndex(dimSlice.stop, self.dimensions[dimName])
        # _sc = "[{}:{}]".format(dimSlice.start, dimSlice.stop-1)
        _sc = "[{}:{}]".format(_start, _stop-1)
      elif not dimSlice.stop is None:
        _stop = parseNegativeIndex(dimSlice.stop, self.dimensions[dimName])
        # _sc = "[{}]".format(dimSlice.stop)
        _sc = "[{}]".format(_stop)
        raise Exception("No valid slice available for dimension: {} ".format(dimName))
    return validDapIndexing

  def _resultVariablesWithValidDapIndexing(self):
    Returns the opendap query of the variables listed in the resultVariables 
    property, with valid opendap indexing. 
    The indexing its built from the current positional_indexes.

    _validDapIndexing = self._convertPositionalIndexes2DapQuery()
    validDapQuery = []
    if self.resultVariables is None:
      for varName in self.variables.keys():
        validDapQuery.append(varName + _validDapIndexing)
      for varName in self.resultVariables:
        _justvarname = extractVariableName(varName)
        validDapQuery.append(_justvarname + _validDapIndexing)

    return validDapQuery

  def positional_indexes(self):
    return self.__positional_indexes

  def xarray(self):
    Returns the xarray object representation of the whoe dataset. Ths method creates the
    xarray object by calling the open_dataset method and connecting to the 
    opendap endpoint that ERDDAP provides.
    if not hasattr(self,'__xarray'):      
      if self.erddapauth:
        session = requests.Session()
        session.auth = self.erddapauth
        store ='opendap'),
        self.__xarray = xr.open_dataset(store)
        self.__xarray = xr.open_dataset(self.getBaseURL('opendap'))
    return self.__xarray

  def ncDataset(self):
    Returns the netCDF4.Dataset object representation of the whole dataset. Ths method
    creates the Dataset object by calling the Dataset constructor connecting 
    to the opendap endpoint that ERDDAP provides.
    if not hasattr(self,'__netcdf4Dataset'):      
      if self.erddapauth:
        # TODO Add user, password in URL
        self.__netcdf4Dataset = Dataset(self.getBaseURL('opendap'))
        self.__netcdf4Dataset = Dataset(self.getBaseURL('opendap'))
    return self.__netcdf4Dataset    

Class with the representation and methods for a ERDDAP Griddap Dataset

#   ERDDAP_Griddap(url, datasetid, auth=None, lazyload=True)
View Source
  def __init__(self, url, datasetid, auth=None, lazyload=True):
    super().__init__(url, datasetid, 'griddap', auth, lazyload=lazyload)
    self.__dimensions = None
    self.__positional_indexes = None
    This property stores the last dimensions slices that builds the subset query. Its used to build opendap
    compatible queryes, and to get the dimensions values of the subset.
#   def loadMetadata(self, force=False):
View Source
  def loadMetadata(self, force=False):
    Loads in to memory the metadata atributes and values available in the info
    page of the dataset.


    `force` : If true, this method will reload the metadata attributes
    even if the information where already downloaded.   
    if super().loadMetadata(force):

Loads in to memory the metadata atributes and values available in the info page of the dataset.


force : If true, this method will reload the metadata attributes even if the information where already downloaded.

#   dimensions

Returns a list of the dataset dimensions, and it's associate metadata

#   def clearQuery(self):
View Source
  def clearQuery(self):
    self.__positional_indexes = None

Clears all the query elements of the stack, variables, constraints and server side variables.

#   def loadDimensionValues(self, force=False):
View Source
  def loadDimensionValues(self, force=False):
    This methods loads from the ERDDAP Server the dimension values
    for the current griddap dataset.  This values will be used to 
    calculate integer indexes for opendap requests.


    `force` : If true, this method will reload the dimensions values
    even if the values where already downloaded.

    if self.__dimensions is None or force:
      dimensionVariableNames = list(self._ERDDAP_Dataset__metadata['dimensions'].keys())

      _resultVars = self.resultVariables
      dimensionsData = ( self.setResultVariables(dimensionVariableNames)
                             .getDataFrame(header=0, names=dimensionVariableNames)  )
      self.resultVariables = _resultVars
      self.__dimensions = ERDDAP_Griddap_dimensions()
      for dimName in dimensionVariableNames:
        dimDatadroppedNaNs = dimensionsData[dimName].dropna()
        if dimName == 'time':
          numericDates = np.array([ date2num(dt.datetime.strptime(_dt, ERDDAP_DATETIME_FORMAT), ERDDAP_TIME_UNITS) if (isinstance(_dt,str)) else _dt for _dt in dimDatadroppedNaNs] )
          dimensionSeries = pd.Series( data = np.arange(numericDates.size), index = numericDates)   
          dimensionSeries = pd.Series( data = dimDatadroppedNaNs.index.values, index = dimDatadroppedNaNs.values) 

        dimMeta = self._ERDDAP_Dataset__metadata['dimensions'][dimName]
        self.__dimensions[dimName] = ERDDAP_Griddap_dimension(dimName, dimensionSeries, metadata=dimMeta)       

This methods loads from the ERDDAP Server the dimension values for the current griddap dataset. This values will be used to calculate integer indexes for opendap requests.


force : If true, this method will reload the dimensions values even if the values where already downloaded.

#   def getxArray(self, **kwargs_od):
View Source
  def getxArray(self, **kwargs_od):
    Returns an xarray object subset of the ERDDAP dataset current selection query


    This method will pass all kwargs to the xarray.open_dataset method.
    open_dataset_kwparams = { 'mask_and_scale' : True } # Accept _FillValue, scale_value and add_offset attribute functionality
    subsetURL = self.getDataRequestURL(filetype='opendap', useSafeURL=False)
    if self.erddapauth:
      session = requests.Session()
      session.auth = self.erddapauth
      store =,
      _xarray = xr.open_dataset(store, **open_dataset_kwparams)
      _xarray = xr.open_dataset(subsetURL, **open_dataset_kwparams)
    # Add extra information to the xarray object, the dimension information.
    # Add the subset of the dimensions values to the xarray object
    _subset_coords = { dimName :[self.__positional_indexes[dimName]] for dimName, dObj in self.dimensions.items() }
    if self.dimensions.timeDimension:
      _subset_coords[] = self.dimensions.timeDimension.timeData[ self.__positional_indexes[] ]
    _xarray = _xarray.assign_coords(_subset_coords)
    # Add attributes to the coordinates
    for dimName, dObj in self.dimensions.items():
      _xarray.coords[dimName].attrs = dObj.metadata

    return _xarray

Returns an xarray object subset of the ERDDAP dataset current selection query


This method will pass all kwargs to the xarray.open_dataset method.

#   def getncDataset(self, **kwargs):
View Source
  def getncDataset(self, **kwargs):
    Returns an netCDF4.Dataset object subset of the ERDDAP dataset


    This method will pass all kwargs to the netCDF4.Dataset method.
    subsetURL = (self.getDataRequestURL(filetype='opendap', useSafeURL=False))
    if self.erddapauth:
      # TODO Add user, password in URL
      _netcdf4Dataset = Dataset(subsetURL, **kwargs)
      _netcdf4Dataset = Dataset(subsetURL, **kwargs)
    return _netcdf4Dataset 

Returns an netCDF4.Dataset object subset of the ERDDAP dataset


This method will pass all kwargs to the netCDF4.Dataset method.

#   def getDataRequestURL(self, filetype='nc', useSafeURL=True, resultVariables=None):
View Source
  def getDataRequestURL(self, filetype=DEFAULT_FILETYPE, useSafeURL=True, resultVariables=None):
    Returns the fully built ERDDAP data request url with the available components. 


    `filetype` : The request download format 

    `useSafeURL` : If True the query part of the url will be encoded

    `resultVariables` : If None, the self.resultVariables will be used.

    requestURL = self.getBaseURL(filetype)
    query = ""

    if resultVariables is None:
      resultVariables = self.resultVariables

    if filetype == 'opendap':
      if self.__positional_indexes:
        resultVariables = self._resultVariablesWithValidDapIndexing()
        # resultVariables = self._convertERDDAPSubset2OpendapRegular(resultVariables)
        resultVariables = self._parseResultVariablesExtendedDapQueryToValidDap(resultVariables)
      if self.__positional_indexes:
        resultVariables = self._resultVariablesWithValidDapIndexing()

    if len(self.resultVariables) > 0:
      query += url_operations.parseQueryItems(resultVariables, useSafeURL, safe='', item_separator=',')

    requestURL = url_operations.joinURLElements(requestURL, query)

    self.lastRequestURL = requestURL
    return self.lastRequestURL

Returns the fully built ERDDAP data request url with the available components.


filetype : The request download format

useSafeURL : If True the query part of the url will be encoded

resultVariables : If None, the self.resultVariables will be used.

#   def setSubset(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
View Source
  def setSubset(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
    Sets a query subset for griddap request, by using dimension names

    Usage example:

    dsub = ( remote.setResultVariables(['temperature','salinity'])
                   .setSubset( time=slice(dt.datetime(2014,6,15), dt.datetime(2014,7,15)),
                               latitude=slice(18.10, 31.96), 
                               longitude=slice(-98, -76.41))
                   .getxArray() )
    self.__positional_indexes = self.dimensions.subset(*pdims, **kwdims)
    return self

Sets a query subset for griddap request, by using dimension names

Usage example:

dsub = ( remote.setResultVariables(['temperature','salinity'])
               .setSubset( time=slice(dt.datetime(2014,6,15), dt.datetime(2014,7,15)),
                           latitude=slice(18.10, 31.96), 
                           longitude=slice(-98, -76.41))
               .getxArray() )
#   def setSubsetI(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
View Source
  def setSubsetI(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
    Sets a query subset for griddap request, by using its positional
    integer index.

    Usage example:

    dsub = ( remote.setResultVariables(['temperature','salinity'])
                   .setSubsetI( time=slice(-10,-1),
                                latitude=slice(10, 150), 
                                longitude=slice(20, 100) )
                   .getxArray() )

    self.__positional_indexes = self.dimensions.subsetI(*pdims, **kwdims)
    return self

Sets a query subset for griddap request, by using its positional integer index.

Usage example:

dsub = ( remote.setResultVariables(['temperature','salinity'])
               .setSubsetI( time=slice(-10,-1),
                            latitude=slice(10, 150), 
                            longitude=slice(20, 100) )
               .getxArray() )
#   positional_indexes
#   xarray

Returns the xarray object representation of the whoe dataset. Ths method creates the xarray object by calling the open_dataset method and connecting to the opendap endpoint that ERDDAP provides.

#   ncDataset

Returns the netCDF4.Dataset object representation of the whole dataset. Ths method creates the Dataset object by calling the Dataset constructor connecting to the opendap endpoint that ERDDAP provides.

#   class ERDDAP_Griddap_dimensions(collections.OrderedDict):
View Source
class ERDDAP_Griddap_dimensions(OrderedDict):
  Class with the representation and methods for a ERDDAP Griddap 
  dimensions variables
  def __str__(self):
    return erddap_dimensions_str(self)

  def __getitem__(self, val):
    if isinstance(val, int):
      return self[list(self.keys())[val]]
      return super().__getitem__(val)

  def subsetI(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
    This method receives slices with the numeric indexes for each dimension.
    It will validate if the provided slices are valid and inside the dimension size, just to 
    warn and avoid further problems when requesting data.


    def parseSlice(sobj, dref):
      estart, estop, estep = None, None, None
      if isinstance(sobj, slice):
        if sobj.start is None:
          estart = None
          estart = sobj.start
          if estart >= dref.size:
            raise Exception("index {} its out of bounds for the dimensions {} with size {}".format(sobj.start,, dref.size))
        if sobj.stop is None:
          estop = None
          estop = sobj.stop
          if estop > dref.size:
            raise Exception("index stop {} its out of bounds for the dimensions {} with size {}".format(sobj.stop,, dref.size))

        estep = sobj.step if not sobj.step is None else None
      elif isinstance(sobj, int): 
        estop = sobj
        if estop > dref.size:
            raise Exception("index stop {} its out of bounds for the dimensions {} with size {}".format(sobj.stop,, dref.size))
        raise Exception("Invalid slice format for dimension {}".format(

      if estart is None:
        # Deal the ugly case of -1 integer index. An aplied slice(-1) will return a empty subset.
        # So set the slice.stop component to the size of the dimension.
        if estop == -1:
          return slice(estop, dref.size)
          return slice(estop, estop + 1)
        return slice(estart, estop , estep)

    validDimSlices = OrderedDict( { k : None for k in self.keys() } )
    # Parse positional arguments, dimensions slices in order
    for idx, pdim in enumerate(pdims):
      validDimSlices[self[idx].name] = parseSlice(pdim,self[idx])

    # Parse keyword arguments, dimension names, order not important
    for kdim, vdim in kwdims.items():
      validDimSlices[kdim] = parseSlice(vdim, self[kdim])
    return validDimSlices

  def subset(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
    This method receives slices for the dimensions, parses and returns the numeric
    index values, in slice objects.

    Usage example:
    iidx = dimensions.subset(slice("2014-06-15","2014-07-15"), 0.0, slice(18.1,31.96), slice(-98, -76.41)) 
    # or 
    iidx = dimensions.subset(time=slice("2014-06-15","2014-07-15"), depth=0.0, latitude=slice(18.1,31.96), longitude=slice(-98, -76.41)) 

    # Returns, the integer indexes for the closest inside values of the dimensions

    { time : slice(0:10), depth : slice(0:1), latitude: slice(0:100), longitude : slice(0:200) }


    def parseSlice(sobj, dref):
      estart, estop, estep = None, None, None
      if isinstance(sobj, slice):
        if sobj.start is None:
          estart = None
          estart = dref.closestIdx(sobj.start)
          if estart is None:
            raise Exception("{} its outside the dimensions values of {}".format(sobj.start,
        if sobj.stop is None:
          estop = None
          estop = dref.closestIdx(sobj.stop)
          if estop is None:
            raise Exception("{} its outside the dimensions values of {}".format(sobj.stop,

        estep = sobj.step if not sobj.step is None else None
        estop = dref.closestIdx(sobj)

      if estart is None:
        return slice(estop, estop + 1)     # +1 to make it a valid integer index for python
        return slice(estart, estop + 1, estep)

    validDimSlices = OrderedDict( { k : None for k in self.keys() } )
    for idx, pdim in enumerate(pdims):
      validDimSlices[self[idx].name] = parseSlice(pdim,self[idx])

    for kdim, vdim in kwdims.items():
      validDimSlices[kdim] = parseSlice(vdim, self[kdim])
    return validDimSlices

  def timeDimension(self):
    if 'time' in self.keys():
      return self['time']

  def ndims(self):
    return len(self)

Class with the representation and methods for a ERDDAP Griddap dimensions variables

#   def subsetI(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
View Source
  def subsetI(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
    This method receives slices with the numeric indexes for each dimension.
    It will validate if the provided slices are valid and inside the dimension size, just to 
    warn and avoid further problems when requesting data.


    def parseSlice(sobj, dref):
      estart, estop, estep = None, None, None
      if isinstance(sobj, slice):
        if sobj.start is None:
          estart = None
          estart = sobj.start
          if estart >= dref.size:
            raise Exception("index {} its out of bounds for the dimensions {} with size {}".format(sobj.start,, dref.size))
        if sobj.stop is None:
          estop = None
          estop = sobj.stop
          if estop > dref.size:
            raise Exception("index stop {} its out of bounds for the dimensions {} with size {}".format(sobj.stop,, dref.size))

        estep = sobj.step if not sobj.step is None else None
      elif isinstance(sobj, int): 
        estop = sobj
        if estop > dref.size:
            raise Exception("index stop {} its out of bounds for the dimensions {} with size {}".format(sobj.stop,, dref.size))
        raise Exception("Invalid slice format for dimension {}".format(

      if estart is None:
        # Deal the ugly case of -1 integer index. An aplied slice(-1) will return a empty subset.
        # So set the slice.stop component to the size of the dimension.
        if estop == -1:
          return slice(estop, dref.size)
          return slice(estop, estop + 1)
        return slice(estart, estop , estep)

    validDimSlices = OrderedDict( { k : None for k in self.keys() } )
    # Parse positional arguments, dimensions slices in order
    for idx, pdim in enumerate(pdims):
      validDimSlices[self[idx].name] = parseSlice(pdim,self[idx])

    # Parse keyword arguments, dimension names, order not important
    for kdim, vdim in kwdims.items():
      validDimSlices[kdim] = parseSlice(vdim, self[kdim])
    return validDimSlices

This method receives slices with the numeric indexes for each dimension. It will validate if the provided slices are valid and inside the dimension size, just to warn and avoid further problems when requesting data.

#   def subset(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
View Source
  def subset(self, *pdims, **kwdims):
    This method receives slices for the dimensions, parses and returns the numeric
    index values, in slice objects.

    Usage example:
    iidx = dimensions.subset(slice("2014-06-15","2014-07-15"), 0.0, slice(18.1,31.96), slice(-98, -76.41)) 
    # or 
    iidx = dimensions.subset(time=slice("2014-06-15","2014-07-15"), depth=0.0, latitude=slice(18.1,31.96), longitude=slice(-98, -76.41)) 

    # Returns, the integer indexes for the closest inside values of the dimensions

    { time : slice(0:10), depth : slice(0:1), latitude: slice(0:100), longitude : slice(0:200) }


    def parseSlice(sobj, dref):
      estart, estop, estep = None, None, None
      if isinstance(sobj, slice):
        if sobj.start is None:
          estart = None
          estart = dref.closestIdx(sobj.start)
          if estart is None:
            raise Exception("{} its outside the dimensions values of {}".format(sobj.start,
        if sobj.stop is None:
          estop = None
          estop = dref.closestIdx(sobj.stop)
          if estop is None:
            raise Exception("{} its outside the dimensions values of {}".format(sobj.stop,

        estep = sobj.step if not sobj.step is None else None
        estop = dref.closestIdx(sobj)

      if estart is None:
        return slice(estop, estop + 1)     # +1 to make it a valid integer index for python
        return slice(estart, estop + 1, estep)

    validDimSlices = OrderedDict( { k : None for k in self.keys() } )
    for idx, pdim in enumerate(pdims):
      validDimSlices[self[idx].name] = parseSlice(pdim,self[idx])

    for kdim, vdim in kwdims.items():
      validDimSlices[kdim] = parseSlice(vdim, self[kdim])
    return validDimSlices

This method receives slices for the dimensions, parses and returns the numeric index values, in slice objects.

Usage example:

iidx = dimensions.subset(slice("2014-06-15","2014-07-15"), 0.0, slice(18.1,31.96), slice(-98, -76.41)) 
# or 
iidx = dimensions.subset(time=slice("2014-06-15","2014-07-15"), depth=0.0, latitude=slice(18.1,31.96), longitude=slice(-98, -76.41)) 

# Returns, the integer indexes for the closest inside values of the dimensions

{ time : slice(0:10), depth : slice(0:1), latitude: slice(0:100), longitude : slice(0:200) }
#   timeDimension
#   ndims
Inherited Members
#   class ERDDAP_Griddap_dimension:
View Source
class ERDDAP_Griddap_dimension:
  Class with the representation and methods for each ERDDAP Griddap 
  dimension, for its metadata and values

  def __init__(self, name, values, metadata): = name
    self.values = values
    self.metadata = metadata

  def __getitem__(self, val):
    return self.values.index[val]

  def __str__(self):
    return erddap_dimension_str(self)

  def closestIdx(self, value, method='nearest'):
    Returns the integer index that matches the closest 'value' in 
    dimensions values.


    `value` : The value to search in the dimension values.  If the object
    contains a time dimension, this parameter can be a valid ISO 86091 string
    or datetime.

    `method` : The argument passed to pandas index.get_loc method
    that returns the closest value index.

    if self.isTime and isinstance(value,str):
      value = iso8601STRtoNum(value)
    elif isinstance(value, dt.datetime):
      value = dttonum(value)

    if self.isTime:
      rangemin = dttonum(self.metadata['actual_range'][0])
      rangemax = dttonum(self.metadata['actual_range'][1])
      rangemin = self.metadata['actual_range'][0]
      rangemax = self.metadata['actual_range'][1]
    if value > rangemax or value < rangemin:
      return None
    idx = self.values.index.get_loc(value, method=method)
    return idx

  def info(self):
    return self.metadata

  def data(self):
    Returns the dimension values
    return self.values.index
  def size(self):
    Returns dimension lenght
  def timeData(self):
    if self.isTime:
      return numtodate(

  def isTime(self):
    return == 'time'

  def range(self):
    if 'actual_range' in self.metadata:
      return self.metadata['actual_range']
    elif == 'time':
      return (numtodate(self.values.index.min()), numtodate(self.values.index.max()))
      return (self.values.index.min(), self.values.index.max())

Class with the representation and methods for each ERDDAP Griddap dimension, for its metadata and values

#   ERDDAP_Griddap_dimension(name, values, metadata)
View Source
  def __init__(self, name, values, metadata): = name
    self.values = values
    self.metadata = metadata
#   def closestIdx(self, value, method='nearest'):
View Source
  def closestIdx(self, value, method='nearest'):
    Returns the integer index that matches the closest 'value' in 
    dimensions values.


    `value` : The value to search in the dimension values.  If the object
    contains a time dimension, this parameter can be a valid ISO 86091 string
    or datetime.

    `method` : The argument passed to pandas index.get_loc method
    that returns the closest value index.

    if self.isTime and isinstance(value,str):
      value = iso8601STRtoNum(value)
    elif isinstance(value, dt.datetime):
      value = dttonum(value)

    if self.isTime:
      rangemin = dttonum(self.metadata['actual_range'][0])
      rangemax = dttonum(self.metadata['actual_range'][1])
      rangemin = self.metadata['actual_range'][0]
      rangemax = self.metadata['actual_range'][1]
    if value > rangemax or value < rangemin:
      return None
    idx = self.values.index.get_loc(value, method=method)
    return idx

Returns the integer index that matches the closest 'value' in dimensions values.


value : The value to search in the dimension values. If the object contains a time dimension, this parameter can be a valid ISO 86091 string or datetime.

method : The argument passed to pandas index.get_loc method that returns the closest value index.

#   info
#   data

Returns the dimension values

#   size

Returns dimension lenght

#   timeData
#   isTime
#   range